Kid Gifts for the Parent You Hate

I love giving gifts! No, seriously, I spend waaaaay too much of my free time stalking the internet for the perfect gift for people on my list (note: they're often not nearly as impressed by my gift-giving skills as I am). It's a way to show someone you love them, and pay attention to what … Continue reading Kid Gifts for the Parent You Hate

Dubious Super Powers

"You're my super hero, because you play with my boogers!"  -my child, who has a cold [Ed. note: I was wiping his nose, not actually playing with his boogers. That would be gross. I can't believe my life has come to a point where I need to clarify these things]

My Cannibal 3 Year Old

"What are we having for dinner tonight, oh light of my life?" "Mary Poppins!" [Pause for a beat as we consider whether our offspring has embraced wholesale cannibalism]  "And what does Mary Poppins taste like?" [Please don't say something creepy... please don't say something creepy...] "Spaghetti and meatballs!" "...Oh."